Install MetaMask
MetaMask is an Ethereum wallet for holding digital assets like crypto currencies and NFTs used as an extension for the browser. In this guide we'll show you how to get your wallet set up.
Last updated
MetaMask is an Ethereum wallet for holding digital assets like crypto currencies and NFTs used as an extension for the browser. In this guide we'll show you how to get your wallet set up.
Last updated
Navigate to MetaMask where you'll download the extension on the browser of your choice:
This will lead you to the Chrome Store, or other store depending on the browser you are using. You'll then see a button to add the extension to your browser:
Once you've clicked the "Add To Chrome/Brave/Other Browser" button, you'll be presented with a popup to confirm your addition of the extension which will begin the download of the extension's file:
Once the installation of the extension is complete, you'll be presented with the "Get Started" screen, where you'll click on the "Get Started" button:
Once you've gone past the "Help us improve Metamask" screen, you'll be presented with a screen to select your way of getting started. In this guide we'll cover the creation of a wallet. Click on the "Create Wallet" button:
Create a password to secure your wallet:
Next, you'll be presented with a screen that gives you information regarding "Securing your wallet". Read this carefully and watch the video on the importance of a secret recovery phrase. Once you've read through this, click "Next".
This has to be one of the most important steps. You'll need to store your secret phrase by clicking on "Click Here To Reveal Secret Words". You'll need to copy this phrase and store it in a safe place. DO NOT LOSE THIS PHRASE, IF YOU LOSE IT, YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE TO GET ACCESS TO YOUR WALLET AGAIN.
You may also choose to download the Secret Recovery Phrase as a .txt file which you can store on an external encrypted drive or storage medium.
Once you've saved your phrase, you'll click "Next".
Metamask will now prompt you to confirm your Secret Recovery Phrase. To do this, click on the words in sequence of how you received your Recovery Phrase and hit the "Confirm" button.
Congratulations! Now you have your own crypto wallet. You're now ready to start using the platform.